UVSS board shorts: Oct. 20

Grant fund allocations, a vote to censure a director, and updates on lobbying and advocacy efforts.

UVSS Food Bank & Free Store relocates in SUB

On Sept. 30, the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store quietly reopened its doors, and is now operating in the Student Union Building basement, room B007.

Fossil fuel divestment on upcoming UVSS AGM agenda

Following a heated debate at the Sept. 22 UVSS board meeting, the motion to introduce a divestment referendum question to the Annual General Meeting was approved, and scheduled to take…

UVSS role debated before upcoming career fair

A controversial employer at a career fair shows two different visions for the UVSS: one that limits itself to popular student issues like tuition costs and transit pass-ups, and one…

Board shorts: June 16

BUS LOOP: UVic representatives updated the UVSS board on the closure of the SUB parking lot.

UVSS must respect the right to free speech

In his essay “A Plea for Free Speech,” abolitionist Frederick Douglass argued that, “[. . .] to suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as…

Student elections end amid budget controversy and resignation

Campus elections have come to a close once again. Five new paid members of the UVSS have signed on and nine new directors-at-large, with two who were re-elected, eager to…

The UVSS—Robin Hood in reverse?

David Foster was a UVSS director-at-large in 2011-12.   The UVic Students’ Society (UVSS) constitution states that the society’s purpose is to organize students democratically; advance students’ rights and representation;…

Give the UVSS a break, or at least your attention

We need campus events. Student societies are unparalleled in their direct connection to campus culture and community. They also have a specific mandate to serve students, and are uniquely equipped…

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Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2