UVSS Resignations

UVSS year in review: advocacy wins, five resignations, and only two contested seats in upcoming election

Amidst the pandemic and personal difficulties, student participation at the highest level of student governance — the UVSS Board of Directors — is at an all-time low. The 2020-21 board…

UVSS candidates should focus their promises on achievable, and badly needed, ways of supporting students

From petting zoos to two-ply paper, we’ve seen enough empty promises We are about to enter the quietest UVSS election campaign yet. With on-campus chalking, in-person campaigning, slates, and cooperatives…

PIRG, OER referenda fail to meet quorum during online fall electoral event

Despite a majority of “yes” votes, only 5.9 per cent of eligible voters cast their ballots  During the UVSS fall electoral event, students voted on introducing an open educational resources…
uvss agm chalkboard

UVSS AGM exceeds quorum, hits cap of Zoom call at 300

For the second straight year, the UVSS maintained quorum — the number of students needed to pass main motions and the annual budget — for the entirety of their annual…

Tweetcap: Referenda proponents make their cases for Open Educational Resources, end to PIRG fee at Oct. 30 forum

On Oct. 30, a UVSS Electoral Office forum gave proponents of the upcoming referenda a chance to introduce themselves and dive into their referendum questions. From Nov. 4-6, students will…

Three referenda in upcoming UVSS fall electoral event, but no in-person campaigning

Voting in the fall electoral event will take place online from Nov. 4-6. Campaigning will be entirely online, due to COVID-19. In order for the referendums to pass, they must…

UVSS struggles to reach a consensus on their values ahead of Annual General Meeting

At the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) annual general meeting (AGM) on Oct. 29, UVic students will be able to offer their input on the UVSS’s values and, if…

The UVSS, the BOG, and the Senate: UVic governance explained

Have you ever wondered who decides tuition? Or what the UVSS actually does? Whether you are new to UVic or are a returning student, it is important to know how…
Campus Security building

CSEC undergoing increased training, accountability measures after UVSS negotiations

Additional suicide intervention skills and Indigenous Cultural Acumen Training will be given to all CSEC officers Following two major peace rallies that brought thousands of people to Victoria’s downtown core…

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University of Victoria
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