UVSS SAGM Tweetcap: UVSS continues to value fun, despite best efforts

The proposed changes to the UVSS’ values involved removing “FUN!!” from the list of values and adding two values, environmental sustainability and decolonization. At the SAGM, multiple students expressed their…

EDITORIAL | What would you do with 15.5 million dollars?

With the deadline for UVSS election nominations coming up on Feb. 10, it’s time for students to step forward. But year after year, we watch as very few people run…

Tweetcap | Jan. 20 UVSS Board meeting

During the brief Jan. 20 meeting, the UVSS Board heard reports from directors and approved the agenda for the Semi-Annual General Meeting on Feb. 6.

New Public Interest Research Group conditionally accepted by UVSS

It’s been a long road to the formation of a new public interest research group (PIRG) at UVic, and it’s not over yet. Here’s a brief breakdown of the situation…

UVic welcomes rebranded mental health week to campus

This year, UVic has partnered with 15 on-campus groups to host 25 events for their sixth annual week-long mental health event, including a sold out keynote showcase with Jordin Tootoo.

Tweetcap | January 6 UVSS meeting

At their Jan. 6 UVSS Board Meeting, the Board of Directors talked about the Unist'ot'en land crisis and the development of a new 24/7 student help line for UVic.

Tweetcap of Dec 9 UVSS Board of Directors Meeting

On Dec 9, UVSS board members met to discuss updates to electoral policy, reduction of costs for educational resources, and transportation initiatives for disabled students.

A Tweetcap of the December 2 UVSS meeting

While many students were curled up in the library to study for their finals, the UVSS Board of Directors met in Vertigo to pass a handful of motions that included…

A progress report for the 2019 UVSS Board of Directors

We’re nearly halfway through the semester — nights are growing darker, reading break is a distant memory, and finals are too close for comfort. This, of course, means only one…

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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2