Find out if your neighbourhood reigns supreme

Illustration by Chloe Latour.
Those of us who reside on the unceded lands of the Lukwungen, Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples usually say that we are from Victoria. But unless you live downtown, chances are you’re in the Capital Region District (CRD).
The CRD encompasses a whopping 13 municipalities. That’s 13 different mayors and 13 different fire departments. Why? Who knows, but here’s the ultimate (and completely subjective) ranking of our municipalities.
13. District of Sooke
Sure, there’s probably some nice nature out here to explore, but associating Sooke with the rest of the CRD is like saying you’re cool just because you sit behind the popular kid in class. If it takes nearly an hour to drive somewhere, it shouldn’t be in the same district.
12. District of Metchosin
Sorry Metchosin residents, but it’s the same fate as Sooke. If you’re not going out here to camp or explore, then what does this place really have to offer? (I’m being serious, what is even out here?)
11. City of Colwood
Half the population size of Langford and twice as forgettable. Ask anyone what they think of Colwood and they’ll either say they’ve never been or get embarrassed about living there. At least you’re close to the Galloping Goose for a quick escape.
10. District of North Saanich
Highways, farmland, and an ugly ferry terminal, what’s not to love? North Saanich makes Central Saanich look like actual Saanich. There isn’t much to say about this part of the island, because there isn’t much here.
9. District of Central Saanich
This part of the island at least has the saving grace of Butchart Gardens to make it a visiting destination. For most though, this is simply the boring part of the drive out to the ferry. Did Saanich really have to be divided into three separate municipalities?
8. City of Langford
You know you’ve hit Langford when the roads are no longer filled with Teslas, instead replaced by Canadian flag-touting pickup trucks. The third largest municipality and the fastest growing by a long shot, Langford is great for those of you who love burgeoning high-rise developments around every corner.
7. District of Highlands
With less than 3 000 residents recorded in the last census, Highlands is by far the least populated municipality. However, if you like going on hikes and getting away from people while still being able to drive to the city center in a reasonable amount of time, then maybe Highlands is the place for you.
6. Town of View Royal
View Royal may be a small, unassuming municipality, but the ability to walk around beautiful Thetis Lake is enough to make it worthy of this ranking. This small town acts as the intersection for five of the other municipalities, making it the connective tissue for the CRD.
5. Township of Esquimalt
Have you ever walked across the downtown bridge and felt a shiver as you got to the other side? Yeah, that’s the only way to describe Esquimalt. While a perfectly fine place, something about it just feels off. And no, calling it Vic West doesn’t make it any cooler. Despite any reputation it might have, The Gorge and Saxe Point do make parts of Esquimalt pretty great.
4. Town of Sidney
Frankly, Sidney is underrated. The aquarium, bookstores, restaurants, and a beach with a pier all within walking distance of each other? How can anyone have a bad time here? Sure it might get boring if you live here (unless you’re over 65), but that doesn’t stop it from being a quaint and memorable place.
3. District of Oak Bay
It’s painful to have Oak Bay so high up this list, but it has to be done. It is by far the snootiest and most elitist part of the CRD. Enjoy the beautiful oak trees and high-end amenities as much as you can because there’s no way you’ll ever afford to live here. But despite the ‘not in my back yard’ attitude all throughout Oak Bay, there’s no denying that Willows Beach and Gonzales Point are some of the nicest places in town to spend a warm summer day.
2. City of Victoria
Downtown Victoria gets a lot of hate, but at the end of the day there’s a reason it costs so much to live here. As far as cities go, it’s undeniably beautiful. Grab a bubble tea, walk around Chinatown, soak up the views of the inner harbour, and explore Beacon Hill Park. Want a “real” city? Then take your ass over to Vancouver.
1. District of Saanich
With the largest population of all the municipalities, Saanich is more than deserving of the top spot. A place that so many University students get to call home, it has everything you need. Close enough to downtown but still filled with beautiful nature, Saanich is beautiful enough to visit and comfortable enough to live in.
No matter what part of the CRD you live in, you should feel lucky that you get to call this place home.