Klara Woldenga (graphic)
Aries (Mar 21 — April 19)
Buy yourself flowers this Valentine’s Day, Aries. Go hard! Decorate your apartment with all the foliage you can find — it will be beautiful.
Taurus (April 20 — May 20)
Go on an adventure this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s simply up Mount Douglas or to a new place you have never been, invite your friends and make a day of it. It’s all up to you!
Gemini (May 21 — June 20)
Your alternate personality comes out this Valentine’s Day, you wild Gemini. Grab that bottle of red wine and enjoy it; just don’t get too wild at Lucky after you finish the bottle. Cheers!
Cancer (June 21 — July 22)
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show your unconditional love and passion to your partner. Just make sure to use protection, as you don’t want any little Scorpios running around come nine months!
Leo (July 23 — Aug 22)
Your unconditional love for yourself is a great thing to have this Valentine’s Day. Be proud and show it off with a cute Instagram post, either by yourself or surrounded by those you love.
Virgo (Aug 23 — Sept 22)
You’ve gotta do everything yourself, right Virgo? So why not take this Valentine’s Day as a “treat yourself” day and order something new off Amazon (if you know what I mean).
Libra (Sept 23 — Oct 22)
Your passive side is showing, dear Libra! Go against it and make a risky move, whether that’s asking your crush out to lunch at Mystic or doing something exciting for your current partner.
Scorpio (Oct 23 — Nov 21)
Valentine’s Day falls the day after the new moon, so beware of finding yourself participating in new moon rituals in your finest lingerie. At least you’ll look great!
Sagittarius (Nov 22 — Dec 21)
The world is your oyster this Valentine’s Day! Enjoy it by heading out and adventuring at the Sooke Potholes. The park ranger is your valentine this year!
Capricorn (Dec 22 — Jan 19)
Your competitive side comes out this Valentine’s Day through some hardcore battles at the Interactivity Board Game Cafe. Challenge your friends and/or partner to your favourite game. Loser has to buy the next round of snacks!
Aquarius (Jan 20 — Feb 18)
It’s your season, Aquarius! This Valentine’s Day, take a night off from studying and enjoy it. Whether it’s a Lush bath bomb, a pizza, or having a netflix binge, you deserve the break.
Pisces (Feb 19 — Mar 20)
Valentine’s Day, Schmalentine’s Day. Who cares? Stuff your face with tacos and enjoy a few beers with your friends. Who cares if it’s supposed to be “the day of romance”? It’s reading break, and Pisces season is just around the corner.