Feel-good activities to brighten your semester

Fall is officially here. The leaves have changed and the ground is littered with colour. It’s time to start thinking about ways to feel good throughout the second half of the semester. Here are a few underrated activities to do on campus this fall.
Self-guided rooftop tour
With the number of tall buildings on campus, calming autumn views are available from every vantage point. Taking a trip to the highest point atop every building on campus is a relaxing way to take in the fall foliage. There, you can spend time counting the dozens of beautiful colours that decorate the treetops while you sip some hot cocoa.
Solo movie date at Cinecenta
Consider a solo trip to the movies as a chance to take yourself out on a date. Movies are great when shared, but they can be even greater when experienced alone. Some may feel lonely going to a theatre on their own, but it’s an exceptionally underrated way to see a film. When you’re alone, no one can interrupt your movie flow by asking “who’s that guy?” or “do you think he’s the killer?” Bonus, you get all the Glosettes to yourself.
Post-midterm nap
There’s no better time to nap your problems away than when you’ve just pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion. After a particularly difficult midterm or once you’ve finally handed in all your assignments are the perfect times to pass out and forget that finals are steadily approaching.
Walk the alumni trail
In Victoria, we’re blessed to have trees and nature that surround us daily. On our campus, we are lucky enough to even have a forest. There, trees and rivers mix to provide a rejuvenating nature walk experience. Wait for a day when the fog is thick, grab a couple of friends and some hot drinks, and take in the sights and smells of fall by walking the alumni trail. It starts behind the SUB and continues through the forest around campus.
Harness a sense of childlike wonder
Stop and smell the flowers, feed some birds, allow yourself to see the beauty in everyday things; when we take the time to stop and look around, the world is an incredible place. So much life and excitement teem through every aspect. Consider what brought you the most wonder and excitement when you were a child — before the ravages of modern society convinced you the rat-race was all that mattered. Was it the sound of a squirrel chewing a nut? The other-worldly fluff of a particularly white cloud? Or was it simply the smell of rotting leaf carcasses as you searched and destroyed every crunchy leaf in your path? Whatever it is, take some time to appreciate the small things in life this season.
Whether it’s a walk with friends, a great view, or just stopping to smell the delicious fragrance of leaves dying around your feet, there’s always a few great — and underrated — things to do on campus in the fall.