Student spirits lift as the holiday season pauses the UVic routine

Photo by Mary MacLeod.
The winter break always looks a bit different for everyone. Many students travel home to spend time with family while others travel to new places. Some wait until the last minute to find gifts, some have their gifts all ready to go, and some don’t exchange gifts. Whether it’s about loving the comfort and predictability of tradition or enjoying the excitement of switching things up, it’s no doubt that the year-end holidays are for everyone. And for a year with fewer COVID-19 restrictions, I took to the quad to ask students what they’ll be getting up to.
The break can be a precious time to see loved ones, especially when home is in a different country. Owen Butler is an international student from the United States. He plans to travel back there this holiday season to celebrate Christmas with his family and friends and is very excited to once again be a part of the Christmas traditions that he knows and loves. When asked about his traditions, Owen described a scene of the classic Christmas tree, the presents, and advent. He went on to add that he’s already got one gift but is challenged with getting a few more luggage-friendly ones for his grandparents before his trip home, expressing how nightmarish international shipping can be during the holiday season. Regardless of the gift conundrum, Owen is excited to be finished with exams and to travel home to see his loved ones.
Many students use the break to travel with their families and to celebrate the holidays abroad, and Sierra is one of them. This year, instead of heading home for a white Christmas, she’ll be in Costa Rica enjoying tropical adventures.
For many, the winter break is a time best spent just doing the activities one enjoys. And for student Cole Walkney, that means hitting the ski hills near home this season. Along with that, he plans to “catch up on the good meals.” When asked, Cole confessed that he hasn’t bought any of his gifts yet but hopes to find time to in the upcoming days.
After a hectic semester and a tough exam season, many students just want to go home to rest and relax. Kira, for one, looks forward to laying low with her family and friends and enjoying a well deserved break from the demanding school work she has been faced with as someone majoring in Chemistry for Medical Science.
Out of the four students interviewed, three said they were headed home to visit family, and the remaining one said that they’d be travelling elsewhere this year. Most had not started purchasing gifts yet and were waiting for the exam season to conclude before last-minute shopping. This goes to show how different the holidays can be for all UVic students. Whether you’re keeping busy by travelling abroad or laying low and relaxing, this break is sure to be packed with all sorts of fun holiday cheer.