Students bare their hearts in personal essays inspired by the New York Times column

Graphic by Sage Blackwell.
Our annual Sex & Gender issue’s feature series includes five works of nonfiction by UVic students, inspired by the New York Times beloved “Modern Love” column. These essays, true to the theme of this issue, concern sex, gender, and love. They range from hilarious to tearjerking, and represent a variety of lived experiences — no two alike, all navigating the complexities of love (in all forms) in our modern world. Find each full essay in our “Features” section, or linked below. We hope you love them as much as we do.
— Martlet editorial team
Tough Love
by Cooper Anderson
Answers in God’s Country
by Paul Voll
Dancing with Hearts
by Lisa Basson
Feminist Film Club
by Pascale Grenier
Deal or No Deal
by Eric Kwakernaak