Photo by Belle White, Photo Editor.
Dear readers,
It’s UVSS elections time once more! In the lead up to voting (March 6 – 8), we’ve covered the four referenda questions that students will have the opportunity to vote on, as well as the two slates and single Director-at-Large who is running as an independent.
In additional to the Martlet’s own coverage, as per tradition, the UVSS Electoral Office submitted their annual insert for the print version of the Martlet, giving our readers a further run-down of candidates, their platforms, and what’s going on with the UVSS elections this year.
As of Feb. 25, you’ll start to see posters all over campus, with students campaigning for different positions. Some individuals may even do presentations at the beginning or end of your classes. We’ll also be publishing our coverage on our website as of this date.
Pay attention, dear readers, as the referenda questions and new UVSS Board of Directors will play a key role in your university life — affecting everything from your health and dental coverage and the cost of some textbooks, to the events that are held on campus and the resources that are available to you.
On Feb. 27, head on over to the Student Union Building (SUB) for the Lead Directors Forum — here, candidates will debate each other on issues that are important to the student body. The Martlet will be co-hosting this debate alongside CFUV, so come on by to say hello!
On Feb. 28, head on over once more to the SUB for the All Candidates Forum — here, individuals will have an opportunity to educate the student body on what they stand for and why you should vote for them!
And finally, on March 6 – 8, get on out and VOTE!
I know federal elections like those in the U.S. can be a lot more interesting to follow — but UVSS elections are a lot more relevant to you, right now, today. We’re so lucky we have the right and privilege to vote here in Canada, and we should take advantage of that at every level of governance, no matter how small.
For entertaining coverage of the two forums, follow the Martlet on Twitter (www.twitter.com/themartlet) to witness our furiously-pace live catalogue of events. Or, for more encompassing summaries, give us a like on Facebook (www.facebook.com/themartlet) to receive the latest updates and articles.
For more information on candidates and referendums, check out the links below:
Independent candidate Isha Dhillon
Campus Community Garden referendum
Student Advocate position referendum
Peer Support Centre referendum
Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group (VIPIRG) referendum