Caitlin Burritt
Second year
Germanic Studies
“I guess, mostly trying not to have too many lights on at the same time, and I always go around turning them off after everyone else and . . . sort of making sure that all the technology I’ve got is sort of shut down when I’m not using it. And I try not to take showers that are too long, basically.”
Jaroslaw Pankowski
Second-year grad student
“So, overall I don’t really think about saving energy every day. I mean, I guess, I think I do as much as I need and no more, and that’s as much as I can do, and that’s it.”
Ariana McLeod
Second year
“We just do the basic things, really, like making sure we turn the lights off when we leave the room . . . and turning the heat off when we leave and that kind of thing. And keeping all the windows closed so we don’t let out too much air . . . and we recycle.”
Bruce Nelson
Fifth year
“Hanging clothes on the clothesline rather than putting them in the dryer as often as possible (as the weather permits in Victoria); keep the lights out when you’re not in the room and unplugging things from the wall when they’re not in use — three major energy savers at home.”