A guide to choosing your perfect houseplant

Photo by Chloe Latour.
Owning houseplants has become a popular hobby, and for good reason. A burst of greenery in your space can brighten up even the bleakest fall days, and seeing a plant flourish under your care is such a fulfilling feeling.
A common gripe I hear is that plants are too difficult to care for and they die no matter what. Contrary to this, I’m a firm believer that there is a right plant for everyone, and maybe branching out from succulents will help you discover your secret green thumb. This quiz will help you determine what type of plant parent you are and the houseplants that are the right fit for your lifestyle.
How do you usually water plants?
A) Just enough so the top half of the soil gets wet.
B) Water until you think the water has reached the bottom of the pot.
C) Water enough so that excess drips out of the pot.
Do you have plants in your house currently?
A) No, I gave up after the 10th one I killed.
B) Yes, I have a few.
C) I have multiple and they are thriving!
Which direction of window provides the most amount of light?
A) North-facing.
B) East-facing.
C) South-facing.
Think back to the last time you had a plant. How often did you remember to water it?
A) Maybe once or twice…ever.
B) Whenever it looked a bit droopy.
C) Once the soil was dry on the top.
Have you ever been personally victimized by a succulent?
A) Many times.
B) Definitely.
C) Of course.
If you answered mostly A, you’re a budding botanist
Even though you may not have a lot of experience with houseplants, fear not! There are many species that will flourish with very little attention. Both Snake and ZZ plants can tolerate very low light and only need to be watered about once a month, sometimes less in the winter. Ignore them, and these forgiving plants will love you!
If you answered mostly B, you’re a foliage fanatic
Since you have the basics of plant care figured out, you can expand to different varieties for your next plant purchase. Pothos are hardy plants that elevate rooms with their climbing vines. Aside from the common varieties, like golden and jade, the riveting snow queen and neon pothos are as stunning as they are effortless. Philodendrons, such as the well-known Monstera deliciosa, are another group of deceptively simple houseplants to grow. The fenestrated leaves of the monstera are iconic, but there are so many more related species such as Philodendron birkin, Monstera adansonii, and Philodendron Brazil. If you’re looking for a pop of colour, the African violet is a flowering houseplant that produces vibrant purple blooms multiple times per year. All of these plants require bright, indirect light (such as near an east-facing window) and a thorough watering when the soil starts to become dry.
If you answered mostly C, you’re a horticulture hotshot
You know your stuff! Since you’ve got such a green thumb, I’m sure you can handle these more difficult houseplants. If you’re looking to diversify your plant collection, here are some of my favourites. Prayer plants may be a bit finicky, but their graceful movements and diverse leaf patterns should help you look past that. Another more advanced plant is the alocasia. These plants get a bad rep, but personally, they are one of my favourites because of their stately leaves. Aside from the requirement of a bit of humidity and more frequent fertilizing, these plants aren’t too much of a bother.