100 per cent accurate article about what Victoria bus you are

Left: Photo by Chloe Latour. Right: Photo by sh_ansa via Unsplash.
Your local astrologer is back to provide an answer to a super important question I know everyone has been asking: “Which Victoria bus route am I based on my zodiac sign?”
Don’t worry, as a super serious journalist, I analyzed every bus route this city has to offer, and created a bulletproof list that’ll finally put this age-old question to rest.
Before I jump into it, check out my last article to get a little more in depth explanation of what your zodiac sign means, because I know everyone is dying to know the important questions in life.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
Hi Aries, I’m going to be real with you, you guys are hard to pin down. Before my research, I assumed you guys were the 16 bus. But (not to age myself) the 16 is no longer with us. RIP. It was fast, headstrong, and to you to Uptown from campus with no bullshit, just like you rams. Because of this sad fact, I’m going to be basic and give you the 1 South Oak Bay to Downtown. Like the 16, it’s a no bullshit bus. I know it doesn’t run much throughout the day, and if you’re anything like me you probably haven’t heard of it, but I’m sure it has a cult following. This small but mighty bus connects the rich people of Oak Bay to the bustling downtown core, going to where all the action is. It may be a small bus but it is mighty.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)
My fellow Taurians, I hope this proves that I am not a biased journalist as I’m giving us the 72 to Swartz Bay Terminal. I know, it’s almost offensive. I have trust issues whenever my Transit app tells me to take this bus, but it makes sense for us. We will always get to the place we need to, but we like to take our time. Taking the long way isn’t terrible all the time, especially when the route is extremely beautiful. If you have time to spare for this detour it’s always a peaceful ride compared to the 70, plus there’s a chance you can see farm animals.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)
For my twin sign Gemini I have given you two bus routes, both similar yet completely different, just like your multiple personalities. Your bus routes are the 12 to University Heights and 13 to Ten Mile Point. Before you get upset, it makes sense. You guys are direct. As an air sign, you’re fast thinkers and fast doers, but sometimes it can take you on long discussions (or rants as some may say). These routes are direct. You can get to school fast, but the only problem is it takes a while to show up or get to your stop.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Sweet Cancers, old reliable, you never let me down ever — just like the 4 to UVic via Hillside. You’re always on-time no matter what obstructions are in your way. You may take your time at points, but you stop to help everyone who needs you. The 4 takes you anywhere you need. Going to the mall? You got it. Need to get downtown? No problem. Need to get to school? Okay, which one? I love you Cancers, just like I love the 4.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
Leo is the caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly. You start out with so much potential and you prove everyone who has ever doubted you wrong. You are the 95 Blink. This used to be the agonizing 50 bus to Langford, which took a ridiculously long time, but the 95 evolved into something better. As someone who grew up in Sooke, I am jealous I didn’t have this bus when I was a teenager. It would have saved me hours of long detours through Langford. What other bus route change had as big an impact as the addition of the 95? Its glow-up was posted everywhere. You couldn’t escape the Blink news, just like the flair of Leos.
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Virgo, I don’t think you’ll be surprised that you’re the 15 to Esquimalt. You’re direct, reliable, and you don’t take any shit. You’re popular but you don’t rub it in anyone’s face. You just buckle up and get the job done. Sometimes the 15 only stops downtown, which could be annoying for those who live in Esquimalt. But that’s just because it’s busy picking up the slack, just like you, Virgo.
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Libras, just like your fellow air sign Gemini, I’m giving you two bus routes, the 27 to Gordon Head and 28 Majestic. I know you air signs are probably confused about all the Gordon Head buses, but trust me. Libra, ruled by the scales, you’re known for being balanced, just like these buses. They take you all the way downtown but also to the suburbs. Just like you Libras, they know when to go out and party, yet quickly get you back home to your professional life. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I gave a sign ruled by Venus a bus with Majestic in the name.
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
This was a little difficult to pinpoint, just like you Scorpios. It was hard to find a route that encapsulates the vibe of you guys, known for being mysterious and keeping your deepest darkest secrets close to your heart. How can a bus route explain the complexities of your character? You guys are hard, but as your sister sign (meaning the exact opposite of your sign in the astrological wheel), I’m the yin to your yang. You can’t fool me. That being said, you guys are the 24 and 25 to Tillicum. Driving through Esquimalt, downtown, and up to McKenize, I never expected this bus to take you basically everywhere in Victoria. It also doesn’t run a lot throughout the day, but either way you’re appreciative when it arrives, just like when a Scoripo finally lets you into their inner circle.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Known as the adventurous sign, I don’t think anyone is shocked that Sagittarius is the 70, the direct bus to Swartz Bay. This charismatic fire sign is always the most popular whenever they walk into the room, without even trying, just like the 70. Nowadays it feels like you can barely catch the 70 as it’s always packed to the brim with people wanting to head back to the mainland. Sagittarius is the life of the party; it’s no surprise you guys are one of the best buses on the Island in my opinion.
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Slow and steady wins the race, right Capricorn? I know you guys will get anything done, no matter how much time it takes you will get to the finish line. With that you guys are the 26 to the Dockyard. Yes, this route tends to be on the longer side, as it takes you through the edge of Sannich on Mackenzie and into Esquimalt, but the ride is beautiful. This bus is usually on time and comes quite often, making it a reliable bus that you can trust, just like my fellow earth signs. It may not be glamorous and take you downtown, but it does stop at Uptown which has everything you might need. Just like Capricorns you can always lean on this bus.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Aquarius, you guys are a little interesting. I never know how to fully understand you. You’re a little weird. You’re introverted, but also extroverted. As an air sign, you’re known to talk on and on about the many interests you have. Since you can switch topics so fast, I think Aquarius is 21/7 aka the Interurban/UVic via Fairfield. This two-in-one bus is interesting to me, it goes all the way to Camosun Interurban Campus, then all the way downtown where it changes to the 7 to UVic. It touches on almost everything, just like a conversation with an Aquarius.
Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)
Creative Pisces! You are always in your head imagining different scenarios, because of this you are the 14 to Vic General via Craigflower. Being Virgo’s sister sign, it only makes sense that you guys would be the 14. Almost exactly like the 15, the 14 just has multiple little detours just like the differences between Pisces and Virgos — one direct and one always stopping to smell the roses.