Mitchell Morales
What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open?
It’s pretty nice, I wish I had this in first year. I’m in my fourth year and it’s pretty nice
Did you like what you ate?
It was alright. I had the Thai food. I didn’t really know what to expect. It’s alright.
Caleb Harding
Can you tell us what you thought of your experience?
It was good, I liked it. It was very tasty. I wasn’t aware that it was OneCard or cash only though, so I had to go get cash, that was the only difficult thing.
How do you feel about that?
It would be a lot easier if they took debit or credit card.
Michael Voulgaris
What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open?
I think it’s really nice, it feels more like a university now. It’s fancier, before it felt like a high school cafeteria.
Jumah Aogallaf
What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open?
There is good food and diversity of food to enjoy.
Jesse Spooner
What do you think?
It’s obviously way different than what it was like before. It’s a lot more open and I guess a lot more welcoming. There is a lot more room for people to hang out and just grab some food, a lot more options. It’s a big improvement for the university.
Ali Comber
What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open?
I think it’s smart that they added the two lines for the coffee shop, ‘cause Biblio is always so crazy. So now there’s an actual other spot for the specialty coffee. Yeah I love the design, really nice hang-out spot, even if you’re not eating.