A conversation with campus celebrity George the Peacock

Illustration by Sie Douglas-Fish.
Students are becoming increasingly curious about George the Peacock, UVic’s unofficial mascot. Since the bird was first spotted at UVic last year, the campus celebrity has become well-known in the community and on Instagram. I had the honour of spotting George in the quad and asking him a few questions before he began shrieking and flew away.
This interview has been translated from peacock screeches.
How did you find yourself at the University of Victoria?
As you may know, I grew up at Beacon Hill Park. It was all very lovely at first. I would strut around, join in a little lawn bowling from time-to-time, and of course, pose graciously for all the unfeathered folks enchanted by my beauty.
I was the star of the park. But the peacock population soon grew so much that I stopped receiving the attention I deserved. So, I escaped.
You humans are easily distracted by shiny things; an assortment of my plumage was enough to bribe my way to a new life. As I crossed into the human world, I discovered a lady in a tall feather hat mounting a bus. I simply hopped atop the hat, completing her look and granting myself a free bus ride. I rode into the sunset, as one does, and eventually found myself at this fine institution. I decided that a little education couldn’t hurt my riveting looks.
Is it true that you swim in Petch Fountain?
I will have you know that, yes, I do bathe daily in the quad fountain. These feathers don’t stay luscious on their own, you know.
You have a fan account on Instagram with over 2000 followers and a club inspired by your presence on campus. How do you feel about your growing fame?
Well, I do try to stay humble, but I’ll admit that I’m not surprised. As a peachick, I was a fan-favourite, and now you unfeathered folk are always stopping to take pictures of me and sending them off to your grandparents.
It is quite exciting. What really gets my feathers tingling is the idea of becoming the face of this university. I can see it so clearly: socks, pyjamas, and glamorous feather quills all available at the bookstore. The options are limitless. And how about that Thunder guy? He may very well be my opening act pretty soon. You might even consider renaming the Martlet — the Peacock has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
What are some of your favourite activities on campus?
Well, of course, at 8:30 a.m. sharp, I must model for all those early birds like me — it’s only right to give back to the community, you know. Later, I may pop into a lecture or two before gracing Biblio Café with my presence or rattling my train for those lucky Starbucks goers. Recently, I’ve also been frequenting the bookstore to see if they’ve finally produced a sweatshirt with my face on it. I continue to be disappointed.
And what about—
I’m sorry but I really must go. I’m late for my photoshoot with Vogue. And goodness, I forgot to comb my feathers! Don’t call me, I’ll call you!