by Adrian Paradis | Feb 26, 2015 | Campus, Local, News
Almost 100 tech enthusiasts battled for programming supremacy at UVic during the second BattleSnake competition, held on Feb. 21. Competing with students and tech companies alike, a group of five UVic students took first place, winning $500 in the process. Hosted by...
by Adrian Paradis | Feb 26, 2015 | Campus, Elections, News
UVSS elections are often a struggle between two large slates. This year, only days before nominations were closed, three former members of Refresh UVic broke off and formed their own slate, The Independents. Out of the 37 candidates—all of whom are pining for one of...
by Adrian Paradis | Feb 19, 2015 | Opinions
With UVic’s Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA) turning into a long slew of disappointments, there was one thing that had kept me at least marginally excited about the whole project. At the end of it all, we would have a climbing wall here...
by Adrian Paradis | Feb 19, 2015 | Campus, News
Starting in July, the UVic library will no longer support RefWorks, a piece of citation management software UVic has used for nearly a decade. Any citation information hosted on RefWorks must be moved to another citation manager prior to July 28, 2015, when students...
by Adrian Paradis | Feb 19, 2015 | Campus, News
Despite the allure of free pizza and door prizes, the University of Victoria’s Student Society’s (UVSS) Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) failed to make quorum on Feb. 5. Due to the lack of student involvement, motions to amend bylaws, including Bylaw 4.9 which deals...