by Garrett Therrien | May 11, 2017 | Op-eds, Opinions
When the big earthquake hits, will the buildings on campus survive? Earthquake retrofits or not, the answer is most likely no. It’s a common mistake to think that seismic retrofits (like the kind applied to Clearihue’s A-Wing about six years ago) will ‘save’ the...
by Garrett Therrien | Feb 5, 2015 | Opinions
Ever thought about telling your girlfriend that you don’t want to sleep with her anymore? It’s an awkward conversation at best. But, I’m here to tell you that it will improve your relationship. I’m sure you’ve pegged me as a nutcase, but I did it, and my...
by Garrett Therrien | Feb 6, 2014 | Op-eds, Opinions
When we say love, what are we talking about? Porn is easy to find. Music videos are more and more explicit. The ‘hook-up’ has become accepted and normal. As I write this, #16 on the Billboard charts is a song called “Drunk in Love” by Beyoncé. “Drunk in love / we be...
by Garrett Therrien | Oct 31, 2013 | Op-eds, Opinions
I hate online course delivery systems. They’re clumsy and inefficient, and they stress me out. Right now one of my instructors is apparently posting homework to his course page, not Moodle. Yes, you heard that right—there are two web pages for one course. There’s...
by Garrett Therrien | Oct 24, 2013 | Op-eds, Opinions, Uncategorized
[Clarification: This opinion article was prompted in response to the off-leash dog park attached to UVic campus, primarily takes issue with the allocation of resources and care of public areas, and is the opinion of its author. The Martlet welcomes certified service...