by Sarah Lazin | Sep 21, 2017 | Features, Stories, Uncategorized
It has been 17 months since B.C.’s provincial health officer declared a public health emergency regarding the prevalence of fentanyl-related overdoses and deaths. In that time, B.C. has seen hundreds of overdose deaths. July 2017 saw 91 suspected drug overdose deaths...
by Sarah Lazin | Sep 12, 2017 | Campus, News
There’s one thing you need to know about CFUV’s spoken word department: no, it’s not poetry. Beginning this spring, and continuing strong through the next nine months, the on-campus radio station will be rolling out diverse and original spoken word content as part of...
by Sarah Lazin | Aug 10, 2017 | Local, News, Science
In the global fight against climate change, two UVic alumni are demonstrating the complexity of climate issues and the value of approaching such challenges through an interdisciplinary lens. Those alumni, Melina Laboucan-Massimo and Brett Dolter, are two of the three...
by Sarah Lazin | Aug 10, 2017 | Culture, Events
A small, blonde girl twirls in front of a captive crowd, her pink dress swaying with her uneasy steps. Utterly unaware of the flamenco performance taking place on stage behind her, she plunges into a deep bow when the music stops and applause starts. Looking pleased...
by Sarah Lazin | Jul 7, 2017 | Features, Stories
Identity is oftentimes very personal. While we are influenced by our families and friends, no one else can decide how we identify. In all likelihood, you walk past hundreds of people each day, with whom you have nothing in common. But every so often (usually during...