by Sydney Lobe | May 25, 2023 | Opinions
Where media literacy is the only solution to the compromise of truth Journalism used to be an institutional structure of social existence — journalists were the sieve through which accurate information passed before it was relayed to the public. Journalists’ loyalty...
by Sydney Lobe | May 25, 2023 | Culture, Literature
Behind the pages of Rachael Moorthy’s debut novel River Meets the Sea When Rachael Moorthy, alumnus of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program, neared the end of her creative writing journey at the University of Victoria, she drafted the first chapters of what would become...
by Sydney Lobe | Mar 23, 2023 | National, News
A closer look at the 44th parliament’s most-signed petition to date On Jan. 26, Petition e-4268 was posted on the House of Commons website. To warrant acknowledgement by the government, the petition would need 500 signatures — a milestone it passed within the first...
by Sydney Lobe | Mar 9, 2023 | Culture, Events, Literature
The renowned author on Black history and visual storytelling On Thursday, Feb. 16, I trudged up the carpeted stairs at Hermann’s Jazz Club in downtown Victoria. I was visiting the venue with a friend to attend the BC Black History Awareness Society’s event titled Out...
by Sydney Lobe | Feb 23, 2023 | Campus, News
The SSD will host two campaigns in the coming month The UVic Society for Students with a Disability (SSD) is running two campus-wide campaigns in March to increase membership and raise awareness about invisible and dynamic disabilities, both of which face...