Warning: spoilers included in this article. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special aired simultaneously in over 90 countries on Nov. 23. This airdate was exactly 50 years after the…
I was deeply affected by the first Hunger Games movie. I’m a girl who can sit through art-house horror without losing much sleep, but I thought about The Hunger Games…
Quick—name what the following TV shows have in common: Firefly, Arrested Development, Pushing Daisies, Angel: the Series, and Veronica Mars. Many readers will recognize it as a very short list…
Halloween isn’t always about the scares. (Okay, maybe it is.) But every so often, you stumble across a horror flick that does something new with the genre. Joss Whedon and…
Imagine being a 17-year-old secretary in Liverpool, you’re invited to watch a new local band, you immediately become a fan, and a short time later you are asked to be…
On Saturday Oct. 5, snow sport worshipers from across the Island met at Upstairs Cabaret to drink $4.50 PBRs and live vicariously through the skiers featured in long-awaited film Into…
Much Ado About Nothing, a film based on one of the most loved Shakespearean plays, briefly visited Cinecenta early in September, and it is now back this week by popular…
Films can have many layers of meaning. Some can be as simple as the effective use of imagery to convey a metaphor, but other films can look like one thing…
Campus movie theatre Cinecenta has been featuring a unique selection of praised films, especially documentaries. Throughout next week and the week after, Cinecenta will have a special screening of the…