
Taliban ordered to vacate Qatar office

Negotiations with landlord break down

Sea lions speak up

The sea lions of Race Rocks Ecological Reserve are not happy.

New Year’s resolutions assessed in March

When the pizza got delivered to the lobby of my apartment, I took the stairs.


Things I believed for too long (as a child and maybe an adult)

Going number two

Breaking the taboo of poo

Strange gas leak at UVic results in increased student focus

A second-year physics class got quite a shock yesterday morning after a mild paralytic gas leaked into the classroom, leaving each student unable to move or speak.

Cyber Valentine’s messages from Grandma

GRANDMA: Hey hunny, I was just wondering if you want to come over tonight.

Four things to do when you’re alone on Valentine’s Day

For every broken heart there is a corresponding act of self-worth to forget this awful holiday.

A new breed of cougar

The cougar is a predatory animal of a territorial class found in every major Canadian habitat.

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
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