
National blood shortage gets Canadians donating

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) issued an appeal to Canadians at the beginning of October encouraging Canadians to donate in light of a concerning drop in inventory levels. The last shortage…

UVSS board shorts: Oct. 20

Grant fund allocations, a vote to censure a director, and updates on lobbying and advocacy efforts.

David Suzuki sows grassroots support for food security

The David Suzuki virtual classroom got off to a bit of a late start on Oct. 6 as over a dozen spectators waited patiently at Cinecenta to hear his insights.…

Marianne Alto strives to find balance in her community

Meeting in her campaign office on a rainy Saturday afternoon, Marianne Alto pulls out a platform pamphlet after about 10 minutes and says, “I’m going to do something that politicians…

UVic theatre department takes on first ever field school

Warwick Dobson, University Scholar in Applied Theatre and the supervisor for Gusul’s project, says, “The idea is to get people to share, not the horrors of what happened, not the…

President’s campus update: a look into UVic’s future

UVic president Jamie Cassels stressed that the UVic community must actively consider how to maintain the size and prestige of the university in the wake of financial cuts.

UVSS Food Bank & Free Store relocates in SUB

On Sept. 30, the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store quietly reopened its doors, and is now operating in the Student Union Building basement, room B007.

Protests continue at Grace Islet, for now

Injunction against protestors delayed one month

UVic study links moderate drinking to breast cancer

The University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. (CARBC) recently published a study linking moderate drinking to breast cancer. The study shows that low-level drinkers, at less than…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2