What excites you most about coming onto campus? It’s sunny; it has good weather. What made you choose UVic? The campus is re ally nice and it’s a little far…
UVic’s 10-bay transit exchange expansion is scheduled for completion on Sept. 2. The new transit exchange will be replacing metered parking, cyclist parking, and parking for people with disabilities on…
A controversial employer at a career fair shows two different visions for the UVSS: one that limits itself to popular student issues like tuition costs and transit pass-ups, and one…
B.C. grizzlies are on the move, according to new research by UVic PhD candidate Christina Service, who has been monitoring the range expansion of grizzly bears along with the Spirit…
UVic’s communication and marketing department chose eight students through an Instagram contest to feature on a UVic-sponsored BuzzFeed post, which was published July 29. The inspiration originated from other universities…