The David Suzuki virtual classroom got off to a bit of a late start on Oct. 6 as over a dozen spectators waited patiently at Cinecenta to hear his insights.…
Warwick Dobson, University Scholar in Applied Theatre and the supervisor for Gusul’s project, says, “The idea is to get people to share, not the horrors of what happened, not the…
UVic president Jamie Cassels stressed that the UVic community must actively consider how to maintain the size and prestige of the university in the wake of financial cuts.
The University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. (CARBC) recently published a study linking moderate drinking to breast cancer. The study shows that low-level drinkers, at less than…
At its annual general meeting, the UVSS will ask undergraduates to choose whether or not to hold a referendum on the issue of fossil fuel divestment next year. In response,…
UVic’s satellite design club ECOSat has been shortlisted as runner-up for the James Dyson Award, allowing them to compete internationally in the hopes of moving on to the final stage…