
Mar. 25 UVSS Tweetcap: Ratification of election results, confusion on VIPIRG

Mar. 25 was a beautiful day and the sun was still covering campus in a warm glow by the time the UVSS meeting rolled around at 6 p.m. As the…

The Students Strike Back: UVic students take over Senate Chambers

On Tuesday, March 26, a mass of students — estimated between 100 and 200 people — rallied outside the University Centre Building at the University of Victoria to protest the…

Six students take seats on UVic Board of Governors and Senate

On Jan. 18, six Student Representatives ran unopposed and were acclaimed to the UVic Board of Governors and the Senate. The lack of opposition was due in part to the…

Corporate coffee certain on campus

It's inevitable: Starbucks is coming to campus. But activist group Stop Starbucks UVic wants to make the corporate presence on campus more sustainable

Students to rally against UVic’s proposed 15 per cent international student tuition hike

On Tuesday, Mar. 26, students from the University of Victoria will be rallying in front of the UVic Senate Chambers in the University Centre Building to protest a proposed 15…

UVSS CEO recommends second VIPIRG referendum

Just when you thought the UVSS elections were done for the year, a recent investigation from the UVSS Chief Electoral Officer has called for a second VIPIRG referendum “as soon…

Your Mar. 11 UVSS meeting Tweetcap

Two new clubs ratified, Felicita’s black out blinds, and a $70 000 financial surplus announced in latest meeting A few days after the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) elections…

VIPIRG referendum fails

Yet results remain unofficial due to serious complaints to Electoral Office On Monday, Mar. 11, the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Electoral Office released the unofficial results of the…

International students 40 per cent of UVic Food Bank users

A “direct result of tuition hikes,” says coordinator According to data collected by the UVSS Food Bank and Free Store between May and December 2018, of the 300-500 students who…

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