Five hours after they were planted into the quad grass, 10 000 flags were removed by students demonstrating against Youth Protecting Youth, UVic’s anti-abortion club. Students arriving back on campus…
The Vulture Culture student group, known for hovering around second-hand hamburgers, quesadilla scraps, and other leftover treasures of the Mystic Market tray racks, is circling around a different type of…
Lilia Zaharieva is far from giving up her fight for access to Orkambi, the life-altering drug that was taken from her when the UVSS changed their health plan this past…
Room agrees referendum needed to fix health care plan It was an emotional evening for those gathered in the Michele Pujol room on Thursday, Nov. 9, though emotions varied between…
Full-time student fees will increase by $2 in funding towards the advocacy group Students have voted in favour of increasing the student fee allocation for the Anti-Violence Project (AVP), UVic’s…
TV star was on campus filming episode of Rick Mercer Report’s final season Rick Mercer, Canadian TV icon, recently visited the university campus while filming an episode of the final…
Advocacy group seeking additional $2.00 per semester from each full-time student “Do you support an increase to the student fee for the Anti-Violence Project (the on-campus sexual assault centre) in…
CSEC and Saanich PD notified about the unauthorized flyers posted in Cornett Content Warning: Anti-Semitism, Racism UVic’s student body and administration responded in kind when photos of racist posters, found…
How the Las Vegas shooting affected Victorians On Oct. 1, 2017, a man barricaded in the Mandalay Bay Resort rained bullets down on the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las…