
Fight for $15 comes to UVic

UPDATED: March 17, 2015 at 5:25 p.m. On March 17, proponents and unions gathered outside the SUB to support Fight for $15, a B.C. Federation of Labour sponsored campaign with…

Senate shorts: UVic to offer minor in visual arts

The minor will be a 16-unit undergraduate program that can be paired with any faculty’s Honours or Major programs or used as part of a General Degree in Humanities, Science,…

B.C. may withhold driver’s licences for those with student debt

The British Columbia provincial government has decided to intervene with unpaid student debt by allowing ICBC to withhold driver’s licences from students who fail to make their loan payments. The…

Discussions of ocean acidification start at UVic

Oceanographers and experts gathered at the Victoria Conference Centre last month for a two day expert’s forum on ocean acidification. Running from Feb. 18–19, participants met with the intention of…

New ideas spread to UVic: should university be free?

Ideafest, an annual knowledge festival hosted by the University of Victoria, took over campus on March 2 for a week of initiatives and semi-formal debates. On the opening day of…

Involve sweeps UVSS elections

The UVSS Elections Office announced an all-Involve Board, effective May 1

UVic business students serve up hot breakfast at Our Place

UVic MBA students at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business spent a morning serving breakfast to Victoria’s most vulnerable at Our Place community centre over the fall. The 24…

Order of Pi gears up to deliver just desserts

Later this month, UVic Engineering students will don the robes of the Order of Pi for the 22nd year to help raise money for the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver…

UVic unveils new marketing strategy

On Feb. 24, University of Victoria president Jamie Cassels unveiled UVic Edge, a new way of defining the university to prospective and current members of the UVic community—“A critical new…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2