UVic MBA students at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business spent a morning serving breakfast to Victoria’s most vulnerable at Our Place community centre over the fall. The 24…
Later this month, UVic Engineering students will don the robes of the Order of Pi for the 22nd year to help raise money for the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver…
On Feb. 24, University of Victoria president Jamie Cassels unveiled UVic Edge, a new way of defining the university to prospective and current members of the UVic community—“A critical new…
If you’ve been avoiding student politics for this last year (and we don’t blame you) but still want to vote, look no further than this handy compendium.
Mental Health Current UVSS Chairperson Kayleigh Erickson is running for re-election as part of Refresh UVic. “I promised students I would give it my all, and I did,” she said.…