
UVic’s CanAssist unveils seven new technologies for use across B.C.

Children with special needs now have the potential for a lot more independence, inclusion, and fun From robotic arms to pick up fallen toys to ball launchers that help children…

Running for a cause

UVic student Jordan Moore is running 150 laps around Ring Road this month in support of ‘Movember’ Movember is here again (and almost over!), which means you’ve likely noticed an…

Second annual BEEP day sparks innovation on campus

Students, researchers, and faculty came together to showcase work being done in UVic’s Biomedical Engineering department ‘Beep’ is a sound many scientists are familiar with hearing in labs, but the…

John Horgan announces UVic housing project but is sidetracked on electoral reform by media

The new housing project will see a 25 per cent increase in student housing at UVic On Thursday, Nov. 15, a large crowd gathered outside of UVic’s Cadboro Commons as…

New campus group asks why UVic isn’t talking about generational poverty

Shoestring Initiative aims to dismantle ‘Bootstrap’ ideology at UVic and beyond A new group on campus is taking big steps to break down the stigma students experience with generational poverty.…

Racist remarks lead to cover up of chalkboard in library foyer

Due to the recurring appearance of racist remarks, the communication chalkboard in the foyer of the McPherson Library at UVic was covered up on Oct. 16. “It didn’t go unnoticed.…

Group on campus is assembling to oppose Starbucks coming to UVic

They call themselves Stop Starbucks UVic and are rallying behind the slogan #StopStarbucks Activism is afoot at UVic as a group of students are gathering to protest the university’s recent…

100 years of Remembrance

Honouring Remembrance Day in Victoria a century after the 1918 armistice One hundred years ago, in a train car in the Forest of Compiègne, on the eleventh hour of the…

Greater Victoria Green Team launches pilot project in Mystic Vale

B.C.’s biggest environmental volunteer organization partners with UVic’s Campus Planning and Sustainability office On Nov. 14, the Greater Victoria Green Team (GVGT) will host middle school students from Claremont Secondary…

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The Martlet
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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2