
Victoria MP asks for funding in ocean research

Canada is the nation that discovered insulin and plate tectonics. Canadians invented the Walkie-Talkie, the pager, the snowmobile, the Canadarm, and table hockey. We have contributed many great advances to…

Distinguished scholars receive honorary degrees from UVic

This past Nov. 13, two elite members of the international academic community received honorary degrees from UVic. The recipients, Patrick Lane and Dr. George Whitesides, are recognized for achievements in…

Over 130 rallies Canada-wide unite against tankers and pipelines

On Nov. 16, Canadians united at over 130 gathering places across the country to rally against tanker and pipeline plans that could threaten the B.C. coast. In Victoria, hundreds gathered…

NSLSC speaker offers advice to student loan holders

On Nov. 19, 2013, a regional representative from National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) held a presentation at UVic’s Clearihue building about tips on paying student loans back for those…

A new downtown icon: the Johnson Street Bridge

Driving by the Victoria Harbour, from the picturesque Vic West community and into downtown Victoria, it is almost impossible to miss the landmark Johnson Street Bridge with its rusted, sky-blue…

Local doctor campaigns for medical aid in Syrian refugee crisis

On Nov. 4 in the Medical Sciences Building at UVic, guests had an opportunity to meet local doctor Saren Azer, founder of the International Society for Peace and Human Rights…

Federal government struggles toward greater transparency

Ever since the Canadian Senate scandal in October, transparency has been a hot topic in Ottawa. All three major parties are trying to prove their accountability. During the Conservative party’s…

Local genealogist makes large donation to Victoria Genealogical Society

The Victoria Genealogical Society (VGS) recently received a donation of over 100 000 names gathered from 46 cemeteries located on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Local genealogist Judy Wasylenko…

UVic events raise awareness of violence against women

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (RAVAW) is fast approaching. This event, which officially takes place on Dec. 6, commemorates the tragic events that transpired…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2