
Morton versus the Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Both sides likely to quote Cohen report in federal court case

Snapshots of Congress 2013

Social science and humanities conference brings thousands

The Doc Bus rolls out of Victoria

Project creator Mandy Leith is travelling across the country meeting with filmmakers, film lovers, and community screening centres to build a network that promotes documentary production in Canada.

UVic sees lower enrolment in light of demographic shifts

B.C. statistics project 48 000 fewer 20-24 year olds by 2018

President and students: a divided relationship

UVic gets a new president in July, but do students understand his role?

Student Union Building to get new accessible space

Society for Students with a Disability hopes to improve education accessibility seeks to dispel misconceptions

Developed, researched and written at UVic, web resource strives for objectivity amid political turmoil

Groundswell movement opposes blind progress

March 15 UVic event highlights problems with Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project

Canada’s immigration system and broadcast ethics questioned in light of border security reality TV show

Petitions, open letters calling for show's cancellation gather steam

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2