
‘More than just being about protecting trees and birds’

Green rally guest speaker David Suzuki says economy should support Canada, not the inverse

A hard-won day of action against violence slated for December

Survivors, advocates ask all students to think hard about how UVic can address violence

Victoria’s restaurant industry struggles for sustainability

Some restaurant owners unaware of organic waste management options and upcoming CRD landfill ban on kitchen scraps

Temporary Foreign Worker Program under review

B.C. labour unions dispute the hiring of 201 temporary Chinese workers

UVSS brings $2-million SUB renovation proposal to Nov. 29 referendum

Disability advocacy group endorses No side of referendum, says proposal does not address accessibility issues in SUB

Do you have any thoughts on the Nov. 29 UVSS referendum?

Adrien Smart Third year Writing Yeah, I was just at Felicita’s the other day, and they were thinking of renaming it and they were letting everyone write down a name…

MLA George Abbott to teach course on B.C. political economy this spring

A UVic course on B.C.’s political economy being offered for the spring term will be taught by MLA George Abbott. Abbott’s career in provincial politics spanned five ministries and lasted…

Transit commission closes public input phase of fare reviews

Fair transit fares a matter of balancing community and ridership needs

Journey to the murder capital of the world

The Martlet’s web editor, Liz McArthur, recently went on — and is still wrapping up — a trip to Honduras. She arrived halfway through a 10-day human rights observation mission.…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2