
CUPE, UVic return to bargaining table

After almost two years of negotiations and two weeks of job action, UVic union employees intensified their job action before returning to the bargaining table on Sept. 18. 

UVic’s 50th anniversary celebrations set for lift-off

UVic has chosen the half-century marker to reflect on its many changes and discoveries over the years.

B.C. government invests $2 million in local food promotion, advertising

On Aug. 30, the B.C. government announced it would provide $2 million for the promotion of local farmers and food processors.

Deer management strategies considered, contested

According to an advisory group appointed to find solutions to the capital region’s deer problem, we should increase public education about deer, ease fencing regulations and allow hunters to kill…

UVic prof seeks Green Party nomination, student engagement

UVic prof seeks Green Party nomination, student engagement

Proposed Vancouver Island Spine Trail: backbone of eco-tourism?

Imagine the experience of hiking or biking through the wilderness of Vancouver Island from Victoria all the way to the northern tip on one continuous trail.

CUPE unions contest UVic executives’ salaries

University president made half a million dollars last year; union workers say it’s time for their raise

UVic raises Work Study wages, cuts hours

Campus groups fear fewer hours may affect their ability to operate

Half of recently audited woodlots fail to comply with B.C. government regulations

Failure to report replanting activities among problems at Fort St. James woodlots

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2