
Revyn Medical Technologies

UVic biomedical engineers reimagine 150-year-old vaginal examination device

The Revyn team recently took home the Herbert B. Jones Foundation Second Place Prize in the amount of $10 000. 
Grocers Go Beyond

Third annual Grocers Go Beyond campaign supports new BC Cancer Foundation building

Vancouver Island grocers raise money for “critically needed space” to improve care for cancer patients  From March 1 to March 21, grocery stores from across Vancouver Island came together to…
UVSS election

Meet the students running for Lead Director roles this election

The Martlet caught up with each of the Lead Director candidates to learn about what they hope to accomplish if elected.
B.C. throne speech

UVic student’s hunger strike for Gaza elicits no response from provincial government

A UVic student consumed only water and electrolytes for four days in anticipation of the B.C. throne speech at the Legislative Assembly.
Thrifty Foods

Sleep-deprived students upset at Thrifty Foods late-night renovations 

Drilling, hammering, and other construction noise at Thrifty Foods is keeping Tuscany Village residents up at all hours.

Duo app generates student complaints about inconvenience and accessibility

Last year, UVic implemented a two-factor authentication system for employees and students through a third-party app called Duo.
Cherry blossoms

Cherry blossom trees bloom earlier than usual in Victoria this year

This year Victoria's cherry blossom trees blossomed a week earlier than usual — and their preemptive arrival might be cause for concern. 
UVic Campus Dental

Campus Dental wait times significantly reduced with new location

UVic Campus Dental has recently expanded to a new location to help serve more patients and reduce wait times.
Richard Wilson

Asbestos notice in Richard Wilson leaves students confused and concerned  

Repair work is underway on the Richard Wilson building after a pipe burst and expected to be completed this week.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2