
federal budget 2023

UVic graduate community joins nation-wide walkout to demand a living wage

On May 1, hundreds gathered outside UVic's McPherson library as part of a Canada-wide walkout organized by Support our Science (SOS).
UVic peacock

​Students flock to Instagram to follow the beloved UVic peacock 

A peacock, affectionately nicknamed George, has amassed over 1 000 followers on Instagram and hundreds more admirers during his months of living on the UVic campus, despite concerns about his…
UVSD team, photo by Karley Sider.

UVic students to blast new-tech satellite into space

The UVSD team is made up of students whose mission is to create an engaging and accepting space for other students to learn about the steps it takes to send…

A deep dive into the science behind the uses of seaweed

Everyone has a perspective on seaweed. To some, it’s the slimy stuff on the shore that washes up in piles after a storm, to others, it’s a tasty snack, and…

New dinosaur species found in B.C.

A new dinosaur species found nowhere else in the world has been discovered along the Sustut River in British Columbia.

UVic criticized for ties to controversial Thirty Meter Telescope

The University of Victoria has come under fire from alumni, students, faculty, and the UVSS Board of Directors for its connection to the proposed construction of the controversial Thirty Meter…

UVic alum wins prestigious 140k research award for innovative telescope technology

Matt Dobbs has always been interested in finding and understanding the boundaries of human knowledge. Now, he’ll be given the time and resources needed to move back out west and…

Second annual BEEP day sparks innovation on campus

Students, researchers, and faculty came together to showcase work being done in UVic’s Biomedical Engineering department ‘Beep’ is a sound many scientists are familiar with hearing in labs, but the…

E-Bike invention ‘The Caboost’ wins $1 5000 award at prestigious Vancouver Island competition

UVic student king of the hills The burning sensation in your quads, the gasping for air, and the lactic acid building in your legs: three feelings that cyclists in Victoria…

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The Martlet
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University of Victoria
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