When writing heartfelt goodbyes, people typically start with a “As [important job position] of [company with a terrible, stuffy name], people always ask me . . . ” Unfortunately I can’t do that, because…
I am getting so fed up with hearing the anti-homeless and poor-bashing rhetoric both in the news and from people writing hateful opinion pieces in local newspapers. Why do people…
Re: Green Gold Bleeds Red: The hidden cost of avocados I appreciated Anabelle Budd’s informative and well-researched article on the hidden cost of avocados. I was alarmed by the fact…
Dear Editor, My name is a name, I am 49 years old, I am female . . . I am indigenous. I am writing in response to the article “A department divided” dated April…
To the Editor; The Faculty of Social Sciences is committed to provide an incredibly high quality academic experience to help students achieve success. We continually look for ways to improve…
A farewell from the Vol. 70 co-Editor-in-Chief If there is one thing I can trust in, it is that everything will change. Yet again, the winds of change have come and…
The lack of attendance from Student Senators at UVic is profoundly disturbing. Sadly, it is a trend that has continued every year on Senate and all I can do is…
Dear Martlet, We would like to sincerely apologize for the statement made regarding the Martlet’s financial transparency within the original platform published by we of the Envision slate. The original…
I [know how to communicate with students] and Cumberland and the UVSS do too: class talks. Just take five minutes, especially at the beginning of large 100–200 level classes. You…