
Full court press

In a landmark decision handed down Dec. 20, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) struck down prostitution legislation, citing a violation of constitutional rights. Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, on behalf…

Sexual harassment in clubs

As soon as you read the headline, maybe you rolled your eyes and sighed, “Oh here we go. Yet another stubborn feminist, giving us yet another rant . . .” However, I…

Cutting the crap in Victoria’s sewage debate

Here in Victoria, the “City of Gardens,” we take pride in our spectacular natural surroundings and our environmental consciousness. It therefore comes as a disgraceful embarrassment to most that such…

Sexism and birthday parties

I had a most interesting experience today trying to book a party for my soon-to-be-four-year-old girl. It could have been simple. I knew where she wanted to have the party,…

In praise of winter

Like an old god’s curse, winter has descended once more. The northern half of the province at least has the pleasantries of snow—that innocent pillow stuffing that smooths out the…

Geek commodity and gender equity

Geek culture is becoming a part of the mainstream. With the rapid adoption of video gaming and the commercial success of movie adaptations of popular comic books, among other growing…

Beauty marketing is wrong

The other day I was waiting for an appointment and grabbed the closest magazine to distract myself. I was overwhelmed by all the beauty-related ads. My heart breaks over the marketing…

Niqab discrimination does not foster social cohesion

The niqab is a veil, worn by some Muslim women, that covers the whole body and provides a thin slit for the eyes. Many Muslim women state that they are…

Vote ‘Yes’ to making UVic come alive

When I ran for the position of Director of Events for the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS), I knew the long hours and small events budget would be a…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2