
Make the hard choice to intervene in Syria

In the last two years, Syria’s civil war has shown that a hefty price must be paid on the road to democracy. The clash of dictatorship has proven to be…

Streeters: What do you think of the new pub?

  Roxy Price Art History Graduate Manager of SUBtext “We know that there’s a bunch of graphics that are going to be going up, so we’re looking forward … excited…

Penny thoughts and loose education-change

“Change” has to be the most romanticized word used by organizations of all kinds. Many preach the importance of relevant progression, yet few “leaders” actually lead by example. How many…

Would you cheat for a Klondike bar?

I cheat. You cheat. A-Rod cheats. Even once-thought squeaky clean poster boy Tiger Woods cheats. We all cheat — to varying degrees, of course. By cheating, I don’t strictly mean…

Homeless man wants to know where he belongs

As recounted to downtown Victoria worker Ashley Mollison, member of the Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group (VIPIRG) Yesterday, I went to the police station to figure out where I…

You’re not old, you’re just impatient

How did we get to a point where a 20-something-year-old can feel like a middle-aged adult?

The battle of cultures

Canada is a tapestry of different ethnicities and cultures. Our immigration policy has given people all over the world a chance to experience life in a developed country. And boy…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2