
Remember the Grinch’s moral

On Nov. 1, children everywhere awaken with the excitement of digging into their Halloween candy from the night before. Students awaken with hangovers and trails of their costume makeup on…

Editorial: Fear and loathing in the nerd world order

Have you ever heard of comic artist Tony Harris? If you’re a fan of Starman or Ex Machina, you may have seen his work; it is detailed, inventive and beautiful.

How dare my TV shows go on hiatus

On Oct. 8, with 11 days left in my countdown to Community season four, my roommate mentioned that NBC had announced a hiatus for the show. After unleashing a “Why…


Week of November 22

Curiosity: inspiring the future

In August, the Mars rover Curiosity made its iconic descent, and we were able to witness it using nothing more than a computer screen and an Internet connection.

Editorial: The unsavoury economics of disaster

Right now, on the other side of the continent, New York and the rest of the Eastern Seaboard are picking themselves up and dusting themselves off in the wake of…

Accept friend request?

In grade seven, my friend Stephen and I were at the mall and ran into two girls we knew from school. As we sat in the Second Cup just off…

Editorial Cartoon: Judge me by my size, do you?

"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"

Students opine on Disney and disasters

The Martlet asks about Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm and Hurricane Sandy’s devastation

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2