
A disenchanted view isn’t the only view

KAMLOOPS (CUP) — Too frequently, I see editorial columns that are simply dripping with negative observations about the world.

Growing Pains: Money: no substitute for freedom

I got fired this summer. It was awful. There’s no feeling quite like that shocking, sinking pit that opens up in your stomach, the frantic worry about how you’ll support…

Will work for money

Looking for a job sucks. I’m not the first person to complain about this. Even once you’ve finally found something somewhat close to what you’re looking for, the dreaded online…

This week in Tweets


This week in Tweets


Editorial: Don’t mess with Sesame Street

What did Big Bird ever do to you, Mitt Romney? North America has been full of fervour ever since Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s statement that he would cut funding…

A transit strike — for and against

I don’t know about you, but I would never want to drive a bus. Driving a car stresses me out enough that I intentionally moved to a city where I…

An open letter to bosses

Bosses, you suck. You have ridiculously unreal expectations for your employees. You demand an unprecedented level of workmanship and productivity for menial pay. You prance around the office like you…

Growing Pains: The art of coping with change

Part of having religiously experimental parents was having access to a bunch of interesting books as a kid. My parents’ shelves were full of fascinating stuff, from Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha…

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