
A white flower, photo by Sie Douglas-Fish.

Why the portrayal of virginity in the media is harmful

In the popular TV show Jane the Virgin, the opening scene involves the young protagonist Jane learning about female purity from her grandmother. Jane’s grandmother shows her a beautiful flower…

It’s okay to be gender apathetic

When it comes to gender identity, words matter. Often, preventing acts of discrimination starts with learning these words. The right words can signify respect, recognition, and affirmation, while the wrong…

Non-binary reflections on a society that “doesn’t get it”

From straight-up insults to seemingly inconspicuous glances to totally inappropriate questions, a lot of the problems that non-binary folks face come from lack of exposure and education. Much like with…

The hidden surge of eating disorders during the pandemic

As we’ve all experienced over the past two years, the increase in COVID-19 infections brings along with it heavily imposed restrictions. These restrictions create disruptions in our daily routines involving…

UVic Mechanical Engineering curriculum facilitates a culture of social disconnect

Engineering is generally perceived as a highly technical field of study with no shortage of complex math and physics. Yet engineering, at its core, looks to develop solutions for society’s…
People dancing, photo by Kaya Martin.

A eulogy for our lost years of dance

Try to think back to the last time you were dancing in a room full of people. Picture the low lights, the flailing limbs that brush against yours, the hot…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

We need to keep our focus on Indigenous struggles

Although it is almost never in mainstream news anymore, the fight on Wet’suwet’en Yintah has never ended. It is still going. In early Jan. 2022, the Wet’suwet’en warned that the…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

It is not our job to educate

Looking ahead to the new year, I think it is important for all Indigenous people to remember one thing: it is not our job to educate white people. As truth…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Why there cannot be true reconciliation

There will never be true reconciliation. The Canadian government has shown time and time again that it does not care about Indigenous people and that it only aims to maintain…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2