
naloxene kit in Beacon Hill Park, opioid crisis editorial

The opioid crisis is an emergency — it’s time for governments to treat it like one

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly proved that our federal, provincial, and municipal governments are able to act quickly and allot resources to a crisis, with the right amount of political…
Students walk through UVic campus

Optional training is not enough: UVic needs to enforce accountability to tackle systemic racism

President Cassels’s anti-racism training announcement does little to end systemic racism at UVic UVic’s president, Jamie Cassels, recently announced an optional anti-racism training program for staff and students, stating that…
apples in grocery store

Fair wages for the frontlines

We need to have a conversation about fair minimum wages and inclusive social security programs, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m sure we all remember that pivotal…

Letter from the Editor: Black lives, and Black stories, matter

How we are building a newsroom against racism I’m not going to waste a second of your time with a series of platitudes about how the Martlet is against racism.…

Leipsic comments prove hockey culture is still a work in progress

NHLer’s misogynistic comments show hockey, and sports culture, needs to change Unless you’re a diehard hockey fan, you probably had never heard of Brendan Leipsic until last month.  He was…

Editorial | “Defund the police” is a call worth echoing

Among chants of “Black Lives Matter,” another related call is gaining traction: “defund the police.”  Behind these calls is a key message — if we defund the police, we have…

Looking back on this year’s activism: What’s next?

Judging by the enthusiastic and liberal participation of rallies, protests, and direct action that has happened on campus and in the city this year, UVic students have certainly been stickin’…

Is blind marking the best way to mark?

Anonymous marking systems could prove beneficial for UVic Often when coming back from a study abroad semester, students come home with stories of international adventures, nights out, and friends made.…

The myth of inclusive online learning

Students with learning disabilities face steep challenges with very little support With elementary to post-secondary school classes being moved online, students with learning disabilities are finding themselves stuck at home…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2