
What’s not funny?

Periodically, I laugh when another student makes a blatantly obvious comment in class, a comment so primal and basic, that it appears erroneous to state such an ‘insight’ at all.…

Germany is putting the brakes on an EU trade deal, but it’ll benefit your grilled cheeses

Germany has decided to slow down the Canadian European Trade Agreement (CETA). Intended to take effect by 2015, CETA would eliminate 98 per cent of existing trade tariffs, usurping the…

How Scotland voted with their wallets and stayed within the U.K.

A historic referendum on the future of Scotland took place on Sept. 18, when Scots rejected the idea of forming their own country, opting to stay within the United Kingdom.…

Exposing nude photo leaks for what they are

Celebrities, particularly famous women, can hold preciously little as truly private. Their power comes from their allure, their wealth, their talent, but it can all vanish with a few grainy…

Changing the conversation about Aboriginal health

Along with cold winds and crunchy leaves, September brings the apprehension of a new semester. Just over one year ago, that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach was…

Higher learning or efficient spending?

My feelings for our institution are familial; it is both loved and hated. These feelings confounded me one day in the bookstore café. After buying coffee from the university-owned subsidiary,…

Divesting like a Rockefeller

Last weekend, the descendants of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller chose to divest from fossil fuels. Stephen Heintz, chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, said that the founder of Standard…

Under cover out in the open

Recently, four graduates of the University of North Carolina created a new type of nail polish, Undercover Colors, which can detect the presence of certain date rape drugs such as…

Streeters: We asked you about Mystic Market

Mitchell Morales What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open? It’s pretty nice, I wish I had this in first year. I’m in my fourth year and…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2