I’ve always been terrified of talking on the phone. Just the sinister thought of a disembodied voice on the other end makes my heart pound in my throat and my…
In early June 2013, former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was collecting the telecommunications records of American…
Justin Trudeau is an affable politician whose idealism—which is barely containable at times—is increasingly tempered by a self-conscious pragmatism. Is he a leader though? Whether Trudeau lacks substance—a favourite topic…
Extraversion and introversion are words that are thrown around quite liberally these days. To the frustration of many, these terms are often misunderstood and can even have negative connotations. A…
Hypocritically, I guess, I have become indifferent to Miley Cyrus’s behaviour as I type this. But now I’ve committed myself to fuelling her publicity once again. Cyrus has made her…
By many accounts, romantic overtures were once a little simpler. Romance and sexuality required only a slightly veiled indication of interest to make intentions clear. Of course, the complexity beneath…
One-night stands are among the most taboo of weekend activities. It is difficult to go through university life without this topic being presented in some form. It is a slang…
When we say love, what are we talking about? Porn is easy to find. Music videos are more and more explicit. The ‘hook-up’ has become accepted and normal. As I…