
Lost in the music and you

It’s no Earth-shattering discovery that when two things come together and they work, the results can be awesome. Whether it’s the composition of sounds in your new favorite song or…

Streeters: How do you feel about free online porn?

Josef Méthot Fourth year Medieval Studies “I think the fact that it is so available is really challenging to our society. It’s challenging to our depth of sexuality. I think…

Ukraine is experiencing some growing pains and it isn’t the West’s job to make them go away

Ukraine as a nation is young. But as a landscape under the heavy shadows of the mighty Russian bear and the critical European eye, it is very old. Its current…

The study drug debate

You’re staring at the white background of a blank Word doc. Somewhere in your mind you had a vague outline, but now you can’t remember it. What was it again?…

Canada already agrees

I would like to express my full support for Ezra Karmel’s Jan. 23 article, “Hamas is not al-Qaeda,” and I believe his position is also supported by a Supreme Court…

Hispanic Studies encompasses more than Spanish

“What are you studying?” There is nothing inherently wrong with this line of questioning; however, the problem occurs when I answer. I usually begin with, “I am pursuing my Doctorate…

UVic’s smoking policy and you

You’re on your way to the Cornett building. You’re rushing, because you’re not exactly sure where that office is, and it’s a maze in that building at best. You round…

Give the UVSS a break, or at least your attention

We need campus events. Student societies are unparalleled in their direct connection to campus culture and community. They also have a specific mandate to serve students, and are uniquely equipped…

Scorsese flick is sin on film

The Wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-nominated film of 2013, follows former stockbroker Jordan Belfort from the time he starts his career in 1987 until he is finally sentenced…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2