
Power-stance your way to success

The door looms tall and foreboding in front of you, your fingers loosely touching the cold metal knob, while you draw in a quick deep breath before turning the handle.…

Skydiving, having sex with your friends, and other really stupid decisions

There are a lot of bad ideas in the world. Like putting a fork in a toaster, or eating a whole pint of ice cream, or starting a meth lab…

Taking the stress out of stress

You have a paper due for each class, every spare moment is spent studying for the upcoming midterms, your significant other has been texting you madly about not spending enough…

Roundtable discussions on mental health aim to end stigma

Going to university should be monumental in a person’s life; for many students it’s a time of growth that involves heightened responsibilities. But, with the responsibility of a university education…

‘It’s certainly not a passive sport’

Getting a university education is an important step in making yourself a desirable candidate in the job market, but finding and being hired into a career after you’ve completed your…

Sex is weird, and that’s okay

Sex is a hard thing to do right. Considering that it’s pretty much all we are ever thinking about (unless we’re asleep) you would think that, at some point, someone…

Welcome to the world of cash

“Cash or debit?” was the question of the moment as the mouth-watering aroma of baked cheese and pepperoni tickled seductively at your salivary glands. The dinner of champions—well, students anyways—is…

Five-or-more-year degrees the norm at UVic?

My winding path through university has led me to transfer from UVic to Queen’s University and back to UVic in the span of five years. Spending time at universities on…

Physical in physics

n the best possible university scenario, classes should be the best part of your day. Whether or not they actually are is another matter. Here’s the thing about classes: classes…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2