
Board of Directors rings in semester with policy deadlock, new referendum

After contracting a cold over the holiday period, I arrived at 2017’s first UVSS meeting with bronchitis. Unfortunately, that may have been the least painful experience of the four-hour marathon…

Canadian military poses $3-million question to Geography department

UVic’s Department of Geography has the opportunity to propose a research project that could earn it $3 million in funding from the Canadian military through the Department of National Defence…

Buoy, oh buoy: UVic engineers get powered up by ocean waves

Grey waves crash against a lone buoy off the coast of Vancouver Island. Pale sunlight glitters across the Pacific and stretches far into the distance — a silver blend of sea and…

Lock your bike in designated areas, says campus security

UVic students face the threat of having their bikes impounded by campus security if they fail to secure them to designated bicycle racks on campus. With the large amount of…

The final UVic Senate meeting of 2016, recapped

The UVic Senate wrapped up 2016 with a concise meeting on Dec. 2, covering a host of topics with rela- tively few major decisions but several important updates. UVIC FALLING…

Board of Directors vote to rescind VIPIRG referendum

The UVSS Board of Directors voted unanimously to rescind a motion that would put the Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group’s (VIPIRG) fee to a student referendum after directors were…

Board of Directors backpedal on VIPIRG referendum

The UVSS Board of Directors has quickly backtracked on a motion put forward at last night’s board meeting that would have seen students vote on funding currently allocated to the…

Muslim and Jewish student associations host shared dinner

The Jewish and Muslim community have a long history of both peaceful and violent interaction, but to the UVic Jewish Students Association (JSA) and the UVic Muslim Students Association (MSA),…

We read the UVSS Strategic Plan so you don’t have to

At the Oct. 27 Annual General Meeting, the UVSS Board of Directors released their two-year Strategic Plan. The 32-page document includes the results of an annual survey published by the…

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