
Gender-neutral washroom protest sparks non-neutral pushback

If you were on Yik Yak on Monday, Feb. 15, you would have thought the UVSS had marched into Mystic Market and declared martial law, judging by the torches and…

More to Beyoncé than just music, says instructor

Melissa Avdeeff has a lot to say about pop culture. Having first approached popular music as an academic while she was pursuing a bachelor’s degree in music, she wrote her…

In spite of protests, university shirks divestment decision

Despite a protest designed to expedite a divestment decision from the UVic Board of Governors on Tuesday, Jan. 26, a future without fossil fuel investment seems as far away as…

Chair of Transgender Studies brings personal experience to role

On Jan.15, UVic announced Sociology professor and Transgender Archives Founder and Academic Director Aaron H. Devor as the world’s first Chair of Transgender Studies — a monumental appointment. As Chair, Devor will…

UVSS executives ready motions for general meeting

Despite a few procedural stumbling blocks, the UVSS board meeting was able to push through a significant amount of business over three and a half hours Monday night. The marathon…

Education is a Right campaign hits the streets

On Wednesday, Feb. 3, UVSS executives and  students alike will take to the streets in protest of rising tuition. The rally, organized by the UVSS as part of their Education…

2015 Martlet news in review

It was a huge year for news at UVic, and the Martlet was right there to cover it. While this is not an extensive review of the year’s events, these…

First 2016 board meeting quick, to the point

The first day back to classes is often fraught with excitement, anxiety, and several fresh cups of coffee to help ease the transition into 8:30 a.m. classes, but the first…

Deconstructing the UVSS Food Services deficit

A curious running deficit in the Food Services budget for the University of Victoria Students’ Society was brought up at the last Annual General Meeting on Oct. 28, with little…

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