
The post-milk era? Plant-based alternatives are on the rise

"Plant-based beverages are on the verge of usurping traditional dairy milk’s once-ubiquitous role in the Canadian diet, and are quickly becoming more than just alternatives for the next generation of…

Amendment to FIPPA could provide students with better learning technology

The amendment allows for information to now be able to leave Canada for temporary data processing on the condition that no intentional access be granted to an individual. Before this…

New dinosaur species found in B.C.

A new dinosaur species found nowhere else in the world has been discovered along the Sustut River in British Columbia.

Liberals plan to ban conversion therapy nationwide after months of provincial confusion

Canada’s new Liberal government has promised to fight conversion therapy on the Federal level, after refusing to do so in the face of a nation-wide petition in March. No provincial…

Consequences of a broken promise: Proportional representation and the 2019 federal election

Despite Liberal promises that 2015 would be the last federal election using first-past-the-post, the voting system remained the same in 2019. Had this promise been kept, the election would have…

Time zones: A relic of timekeepers-past

In a globalized world, where international coordination is essential, why continue using our antiquated, localized way of telling time? It’s time to abandon time zones and switch to a global…

What can Hong Kong help us remember?

The struggle of protesters to express a deeper sense of historical awareness around Hong Kong’s sovereignty, or any other kind of struggle for the right to control the nation-state for…

In the wake of the 43rd federal election, where do we go from here?

This is the question that would have been on the minds of many Canadians as they woke up following the 43rd federal election. But where exactly has this election left…

Wexit is a pipe dream

Alberta has deep, longstanding resentments against the federal government. But the reality is that Wexit rallies only attract a few dozen people. Instead of talking about Wexit, we need to…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2