
‘Juggling pain, spoons, and guilt’

There is a severe lack of disabled representation in conversations about how fast fashion, driving, and single-use plastic affect the environment. When able-bodied individuals complain about single use items, the…

Inaccessible Accessibility

It’s not easy navigating the Centre for Accessible Learning’s (CAL) system, and once you’re registered, it’s also not easy gaining access to accommodations for each course.
UVic Society for students with a disability

SSD raising awareness for invisible and dynamic disabilities 

The UVic Society for Students with a Disability (SSD) is running two campaigns in March to increase membership and raise awareness.
SSD accessibility fall term graphic

New SSD campaign pushes for accessible online options in fall return plans

UVic has announced a full return to in-person classes, the SSD says they need to accommodate students who are immunocompromised or living with a disability The University of Victoria recently…

The myth of inclusive online learning

Students with learning disabilities face steep challenges with very little support With elementary to post-secondary school classes being moved online, students with learning disabilities are finding themselves stuck at home…

Accessing my abilities in Cuba

I am a student at UVic who gets around campus with the help of a guide dog. I am legally blind. With help, I was able to study for a…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2