
Extreme darkness and evil hauntings

October is a month filled with ghoulish stories preparing you for the one day deceased souls can be found among the living, Oct. 31—Halloween. Evil Acres, a haunted house located…

Are you scared yet?

Everyone is bustling to find a scary costume for their evening festivities, but as we look for scary rubber masks, besieged health care workers are trading their now-inadequate surgical masks…

Halloween how-to

Impress your friends this Halloween by creating your own prosthetics. A mixture of liquid latex and oatmeal can be turned into an infected wound for a gruesome zombie costume. Try…

Popped culture: Halloween for the Hermit

I may be old before my time, but this year I’m not really feeling Halloween. It’s the tradition for those of age to dress up and get impressively intoxicated, but…

Interview with a zombie

The Martlet caught up with Brad from Evil Acres, a different kind of haunted house experience for the firm of heart.

10 last-minute Halloween costumes

Unlike other holidays, Oct. 31 is extremely self-centred. We’re all dressing to impress (or for the ladies, under-dressing) while still remaining culturally relevant. But what’s one to do if Value…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2