
Are B.C. colleges and universities cheating the system?

This article was originally published in The Other Press, Douglas College’s student newspaper, on March 23. NEW WESTMINSTER — To most post-secondary students, money is a valuable and rare thing. Besides taking, on…

State of the unions: What CUPE 4163’s fight teaches us

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And where there’s a union, there’s an answer. The status of employment on campus may not be at the forefront of everyone’s minds,…

Streeters: April Fool’s Day

What April Fool’s Day pranks have you pulled off, or been victim of? No, I’ve never pulled a prank. I really like the idea of April Fool’s Day. I like…

Woke UVic disqualification overruled

An arbitration panel has found insufficient grounds to disqualify Woke UVic from the 2016 UVSS elections, and has overturned the previous rulings of the UVSS Elections Chief Electoral Officer and…

Woke UVic disqualified, appeals ruling; Senate and BoG results released

UPDATE March 23: The disqualification has been overruled. On Tuesday, March 8, the UVSS Elections office announced that the entire Woke UVic slate had been disqualified from the UVSS student…

What’s to come of the Ghomeshi case?

The controversial sexual assault case against Jian Ghomeshi is set to reach a verdict on March 24. Regardless of the result, what can society learn from the case? Let’s break…

R.I.S.E. Summit gathers students to ‘support, nurture, and heal’

Two University of Victoria students, Sue Bishop and Simone Blais, will be attending the inaugural Racialized Indigenous Student Experience (R.I.S.E) Summit, hosted in Scarborough, Ont., from March 19–21. The summit…

UVic answers TRC’s call with Indigenous Academic Plan

On Dec. 15, 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada released its final report, outlining the ways in which Canadian society must redress the country’s legacy of residential…

Site C injunction latest chapter of project’s contentious history

It seems like every week that new contentions arise surrounding the controversial Site C Energy Project. The project, a proposal to dam the Peace River in Northern British Columbia, has…

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